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Welcome to Nursery's Class Page

Welcome to our class page. Here you can find out more information about our class and what we are learning.


Class teacher: Miss Brown


At Merridale, we like to be comfortable and we like to learn and play outdoors. Please send your child to school in suitable clothing for this. We encourage all children to have a named pair of wellies in school at all times so they can get outside as often as possible!


Please put your child’s name in the clothing that they wear for school, especially coats, jumpers and hoodies.


Our Reading Challenge:

Please support your child with their reading at home. To meet our Reading Challenge, we ask for all children to be heard read at home or share a book with someone for at least 20 minutes, at least 5 times per week. Please sign and date your child’s reading record when you hear them read. Please make sure your child brings their reading books and reading record into school every day.


Home Learning:​



All children have access to Seesaw. Teachers use Seesaw to share learning and set tasks for children to complete at home. Please support your child to access Seesaw regularly.



In Nursery, we love to learn. Our curriculum newsletters give information about the topics we are studying and how parents and carers can help support their children at home.

Nursery Newsletters
Nursery Reading Newsletters
eSafety Newsletters
Useful Links for Parents and Carers
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